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Toby beamed.  That sounds lovely.
 Can we come? Tim asked excitedly.  I love to run in the woods.
 No, Lucas and Toby said together.
 Next time, Toby added kindly.  The first time should be just us.
Sophie started crying softly.  I can t believe one of my boys is married. Oh, I m so happy for
you. The normally-controlled pack matriarch threw her arms around both their necks and hugged
 Aunty Sophie, can t breathe, Lucas panted.
She stepped back and Joe pulled her into a hug.  Now let s get this party started shall we?
Lucas, at least you ll only have one date to remember for his birthday and your anniversary, she
teased, getting a laugh out of everyone.
A few hours later found the group sitting around the family room. The dining room table had
been moved in there and put to one side, so they didn t have to go too far if they wanted
something else to eat or drink.
Toby quickly realized that having to eat enough calories to keep a small army going for a week,
every day, was normal. The amount of energy his body seemed to use was immense; it felt like he
was constantly buzzing with the feel of it running through his body. It was utterly exhilarating.
 Someone s at the door, Gil informed them a few seconds before the knock.
Lucas sniffed.  It smells a bit like you, he said to Toby, confused.
Toby paled.  That must be my mother, but how could she know where I am?
 Only one way to find out, Lucas got up and went to the door, Toby stayed where he was.
He felt safe with this group of people. They were more like family to him than his own mother ever
had been.
 Toby, it s for you, Love. Lucas called from the doorway.
Toby sighed and got up. Joe grabbed his hand to stop him and stood up too.  Just remember,
you re our pack now Toby. You got the two members of the San Francisco Pack that are in line
to take over from me as Alpha to back down to you. You have power in your voice. Never forget
that, and remember; The pack are many, the pack are one.
Toby straightened.  I ll remember, thank you, Joe. Then in a louder voice meant for Lucas,
 Why don t you bring them through, we have plenty of food to give away.
Toby turned to the doorway, schooling his face to show shock when his mother entered the
Chapter Thirteen
Toby s mother looked nothing like him. He must have gotten all his looks from his father.
 Why is it I have to find out from your landlord that you ve moved? Mary Devin asked as
soon as she entered the room.
 I only moved yesterday. I would have called you eventually, Toby defended. He didn t like
his mother s tone of voice, especially in front of six people she didn t know.
 Oh, but you have time to have a party without your own mother? She demanded to know,
her eyes flicking toward the virtually decimated table of food.  Have your friends left already?
They probably only came for the food anyway. Cooking was all you were ever good for.
There was a series of loud growls behind Toby. Turning, she saw five huge animals sitting on
the floor around the table. He realized that the pack had changed. The blue shirt Joe had been
wearing was sticking out from behind a chair, they were supporting him in the best way they knew
how. When he turned back, he caught sight of Lucas smiling and sending him a wink of
 Who was here and for how long is nothing to do with you. I wouldn t have invited you no
matter what. You re an embarrassment. I don t want you in my life. I want you to leave. I m trying
to enjoy my birthday with my lover.
Mary looked shocked at first then it morphed in anger.  How dare you speak to me that way?
I m your mother. Without me you d be nothing, she said advancing on Toby with her arm raised
to strike him.
Before she could get close, there were five snarling animals between them.
 Since when do you have dogs? The woman sneered, but was unable to conceal the look of
fear that flashed across her face.
 They ve adopted me, and I m glad they did. You might be my mother and you might have
brought me into this world, but you did nothing for me after that apart from ask for money
whenever I was working. Well, not any more. I never want to see you again.
 I came for a reason. Mary said angrily.
 And what s that? Lucas interjected.  If you want money, you can forget it.
 I ll go and get it. Mary walked back to the entrance followed by Toby and Lucas.
In the hallway on the floor, she had left a small bag and a bundle.  I ve done my bit, and I m
not going through that again. It was a drag the first time. She roughly pushed the bundle into
Toby s arms and kicked the bag over too.  You want me out of your life, fine. You never have to
see me again. I d wish you both luck, but I don t give a damn.
Toby watched as the elevator door closed, cutting the evil woman out of his life forever.
He took a calming breath and opened the bundle. A child only a few weeks old lay there
awake, but making no noise.  She said she didn t want to have to do that again. You don t
 She smells like you, Lucas said, wrapping his arms around Toby and looking over his
shoulder at the child.  Why won t she cry? I thought all babies cried.
 When I was small, I knew better than to cry. It only made things worse. I have a sister, Toby
said in awe.
 We have a child, my love. She will grow up surrounded by a huge loving family, Lucas
 We ve known each other a few days. Suddenly, we re mated and have a child to raise. Is life
always going to be this fast-paced with you?
 Who knows what life will bring. But it won t be boring.
 Will she be like us now? Toby asked softly, according to everything he d learned, his lifespan
was going to be drastically increased now he was mated to Lucas. It would break his heart to see
the child he raised die before him.
The child reached a small thin hand out towards the new faces and gurgled. On her hand, they
could see a little tiny swirl of color. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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