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prove false to you.
No Power which is not a microcosm in itself  and even archangels reach rarely to this centre of balance 
is fit to treat on an equality with Man. The proper study of mankind is God; with Him is his business; and with
Him alone. Some magicians have hired legions of spirits for some special purpose; but it has always proved a
serious mistake. The whole idea of exchange is foreign to magick. The dignity of the magician forbids compacts.
 The Earth is the Lord s and the fulness thereof .
The operations of Magick art are difficult to classify, as they merge into each other, owing to the essential
unity of their method and result. We may mention:
1. Operations such as evocation, in which a live spirit is brought from dead matter.
2. Consecrations of talismans in which a live spirit is bound into  dead matter and vivifies the same.
3. Works of divination, in which a live spirit is made to control operations of the hand or brain of the Magician.
Such works are accordingly most dangerous, to be used only by advanced magicians, and then with great care.
4. Works of fascination, such as operations of invisibility, and transformations of the apparent form of the
person or thing concerned. This consists almost altogether in distracting the attention, or disturbing the
judgment, of the person whom it is wished to deceive. There are, however,  real transformations of the
adept himself which are very useful. See the Book of the Dead for methods. The assumption of God-Forms
can be carried to the point of actual transformation.
5. Works of Love and Hate, which are also performed (as a rule) by fascination. These works are too easy; and
rarely useful. They have a nasty trick of recoiling on the magician.
6. Works of destruction, which may be done in many different ways. One may fascinate and bend to one s will
a person who has of his own right the power to destroy. One may employ spirits or talismans. The more
powerful magicians of the last few centuries have employed books.
In private matters these works are very easy, if they be necessary. An adept known to The MASTER
THERION once found it necessary to slay a Circe who was bewitching brethren. He merely walked to the
door of her room, and drew an Astral T ( traditore , and the symbol of Saturn) with an astral dagger. Within
48 hours she shot herself.
As explained above, in another connexion, he who  destroys any being must accept it, with all the responsibilities
attached, as part of himself. The Adept here in question was therefore obliged to incorporate the elemental spirit of
the girl  she was not human, the sheath of a Star, but an advanced planetary daemon, whose rash ambition had
captured a body beyond its capacity to conduct  in his own magical vehicle. He thereby pledged himself to
subordinate all the sudden accession of qualities  passionate, capricious, impulsive, irrational, selfish, short-
sightedness, sensual, fickle, crazy, and desperate, to his True Will; to discipline, co-ordinate and employ them in
the Great Work, under the penalty of being torn asunder by the wild horses which he had bound fast to his own
body by the act of  destroying their independent consciousness and control of their chosen vehicle. See His
Magical Record An XX, Sun in Libra and onward.
7. Works of creation and dissolution, and the higher invocations.
There are also hundreds of other operations;
Examples of Rituals for several such purposes are given in the Equinox.
to bring wanted objects  gold, books, women and the like; to open locked doors, to discover treasure; to
swim under water; to have armed men at command  etc., etc. All these are really matters of detail; the
Adeptus Major will easily understand how to perform them if necessary.
Moral: become an Adeptus Major!
It should be added that all these things happen  naturally .
The value of the evidence that your operations have influenced the course of events is only to be assessed by the
application of the Laws of probability. The MASTER THERION would not accept any one single case as
conclusive, however improbable it might be. A man might make a correct guess at one chance in ten million, no less
than at one in three. If one pick up a pebble, the chance was infinitely great against that particular pebble; yet
whichever one was chosen, the same chance  came off . It requires a series of events antecedently unlikely to
deduce that design is a work, that the observed changes are causally, not casually, produced. The prediction of
events is further evidence that they are effected by will. Thus, any man may fluke a ten shot at billiard, or even
make a break of a few strokes. But chance cannot account for consistent success, even if moderate, when it extends
over a long period of time. And the ability of the expert to  name his shot manifests a knowledge of the relations
of cause and effect which confirms the testimony of his empirical skill that his success is not chance and coincidence.
Perform an operation to bring gold  your rich uncle dies and leaves you his money; books  you see the
book wanted in a catalogue that very day, although you have advertised in vain for a year; woman  but if
you have made the spirits bring you enough gold, this operation will become unnecessary.
This cynical statement is an absurdity of Black Magic.
It must further be remarked that it is absolute Black Magic to use any of these powers if the object can possibly
be otherwise attained. If your child is drowning, you must jump and try to save him; it won t do to invoke the
Nor is it lawful in all circumstances to invoke those Undines even where the case is hopeless; maybe it is
necessary to you and to the child that it should die. An Exempt Adept on the right road will make no error
here  an Adept Major is only too likely to do so. A through apprehension of this book will arm adepts of
every grade against all the more serious blunders incidental to their unfortunate positions.
Necromancy is of sufficient importance to demand a section to itself.
It is justifiable in some exceptional cases. Suppose the magician fail to obtain access to living Teachers, or
should he need some especial piece of knowledge which he has reason to believe died with some teacher of
the past, it may be useful to evoke the  shade of such a one, or read the  Akasic record of his mind.
The only minds likely to be useful to the Magician belong to Adepts sworn to suffer reincarnation at short
intervals, and the best elements of such minds are bound up in the  Unconscious Self of the Adept, not left to
wander idly about the Astral Plane. It will thus be more profitable to try to get into touch with the  Dead Teacher [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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