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and me, than watching them slowly die a little each day.
Sev s fingers stilled, his gaze going distant as if he peered inside himself.  Yeah, it is
hard. Mr Douglas isn t even my dad and it hurts, watching Alzheimer s eat away at him. I
can t imagine how Carlin must feel. I suppose quick would be better. Sev sighed and looked
at Laine.  What really sucks is that you and Carlin had parents who loved y all, and they
died way too soon, or, in Mr Douglas s case& Well, you know what I mean. My parents
aren t nearly so nice, aren t anywhere near nice, and they ll probably outlive all of us just to
gloat about it. Not that I wish them dead or anything. Just funny how Fate seems to cut the
strings on the good ones sooner than the others.
WHAT REMAINS Bailey Bradford
 Not always, Laine argued.  You and me are a couple of the good ones and we aren t
going anywhere for a long time. Even when we do, I m sure we ll be together even then.
Laine believed it with every fibre of his being. They might be separated briefly by death if
one died before the other, but they both knew there were spirits, that it was possible to
remain behind on some level after the body died. The how if it wasn t clear, but Laine didn t
doubt for one second he and Sev would figure it out, not as strongly as they loved each other.
Sev s frown sent a shard of spiky pain straight through Laine s heart.  What s wrong,
sweetheart? Laine asked, cradling Sev to his chest. He buried his hands in the silky black
hair, drawing comfort from the warmth of it against his skin as well as the feel of Sev s body
on his.
 What if all the spirits are gone, Laine? What does that mean for us? I don t ever want
to lose you, not in death or any other way. I don t know where the others go when they die,
the ones that don t linger. They could just cease existing, or maybe they re reincarnated 
Laine refused to even consider any of those scenarios. He tugged gently on Sev s hair
until those pretty eyes met his.  Hey. Nothing nothing is going to keep us from being
together, okay? We aren t going to just disappear. Whatever happens, we ll find each other,
even if we end up back here as&  Laine searched his mind for something ridiculous,
anything to replace Sev s frown with the smile he loved so much.  Even if we come back as a
couple of ants, or& or platypuses, we ll be together. I promise. Somehow, he d make sure of
it. Sev was imprinted into his very DNA. If there was such a thing as reincarnation, Laine
would spend his next life looking for Sev, and he d damn well find him.
Sev s lips curled up and the corners of his eyes crinkled.  Gay ants? Gay platypuses?
Laine strove for his most serious tone.  Who said anything about being gay? Maybe
you ll be the little woman and I ll be the big strong man hey! He yelped as a tiny bit of
pain spread from his chest outward.  You pinched me, Laine grumbled, hoping Sev didn t
notice the effect that bite of pain had on him.
Sev s wicked smile dashed Laine s hope.  And you liked it, Sev purred, reaching
between them to palm Laine s cock.  A lot, judging by how fast you got it up.
Sev sounded so smug Laine was tempted to paddle him, or& Sev s teasing expression
changed, turned to something darker, demanding.  So you think I d be the  little woman,
hm? He pinched Laine s cockhead hard through the layers of clothes.
WHAT REMAINS Bailey Bradford
A streak of fire burned down from the tip of Laine s dick to his asshole. He clenched his
butt cheeks as that whole area tingled with anticipation. His heart hammered in his chest as
trepidation bloomed like a morning glory. Maybe teasing Sev like that had been a little& too
Sev gave him a heated look then nodded.  That s right, baby. You re in for it now. You
just threw down the gauntlet, so to speak, and challenged my manhood. He wiggled his
hips, rubbing his erection against Laine s hip.  So now I m going to have to prove just how
much of a man I am. You know, all that machismo bullshit. Sev smiled wickedly as Laine
shuddered.  Oh yeah. Next time you want me to fuck you, just ask. You don t have to goad
me into it.
Was that what he d done? Laine thought about it while Sev continued grinding against
him. Yeah, it was. Sev had topped exactly twice, and he d been so nervous when he d done it
Laine hadn t pushed for more.
Plus, he was a little worried about how much he liked feeling Sev pounding into his ass.
Laine tended to think, at least when Sev was fucking him, that he might just prefer to bottom
the majority of the time. Then he d come out of that well-fucked bliss and panic at the
thought of never being in Sev s sweet ass again. He knew it didn t have to be one way or the
other, but still, it kind of kept Laine from initiating a change in their love-making.
Except he obviously had tonight. Laine locked stares with Sev and pulled up his most
commanding tone.  So prove how much of a man you are already.
Sev s nostrils flared, a small thing that Laine found incredibly sexy.  Don t expect me to
go easy on you, Laine. I m kind of on edge here.
Even though he couldn t quite snuff out a trickle of fear, Laine nodded.  I don t want
easy. Just don t do any permanent damage down there.
Sev rolled off him and onto his feet in one graceful movement. He stared down at Laine
with a fierce look in his eyes, exuding a confidence that nearly made Laine cream his pants.
 I wouldn t hurt you, ever. But you will feel me for days. He held out his hand.  But we
need to be in the bedroom. Can t fuck you into the mattress otherwise.
Need coiled in Laine s groin and spread up to his stomach. He took Sev s hand and let
his lover help him up. The walk to the bedroom took twice as long as it should have with
both of them groping each other and pulling off clothes. By the time Laine tumbled down
onto the bed he was utterly naked in more ways than one.
WHAT REMAINS Bailey Bradford
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